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Ba Zi/Four Pillars of Destiny
What is BaZi? In English term, sometimes BaZi is interpreted as Four Pillars of Destiny. Actually BaZi (八子) literally means Eight Character. Why the English term is Four Pillars? Ancient Chinese noted our date of birth consists of 8 Chinese characters, two for the year, two for the month, two for the day and two for the hour. Tzu Ping, a Chinese person who lived in China about the end of Tang Dynasty and beginning of Sung Dynasty about 1.000 A.D., reorganized the system and put the focus on the day of birth.
This reorganized made the day as the center of analysis, the self element or what we called as Day Master. The Four Pillars of Destiny actually is a logical forecasting system. The system is also used the five elements: metal (金), wood (木), water (水), fire (火) and earth (土).

On the left side image, it is a sample of one of my program that I used to calculate the BaZi of a person. Please ignore the colorisation of red, green and blue, because I just want to give you an introduction of what is BaZi.
BaZi is all about nature. There are 10 Heavenly Stems which are located on top of the row as we can see through the images, ie: 甲乙 (Wood Collection) 丙丁 (Fire Collection) 戊己(Earth Collection) 庚辛(Metal Collection) and 壬癸 (Water Collection). There are 12 Earthly Branches which are located on below of the row, ie: 亥子 (Water Collection), 寅卯 (Wood Collection), 丑辰未戌 (Earth Collection), 申酉 (Metal Collection), and 巳午 (Fire Collection).
All these collection are groups into Yang and Yin, as everything in the world have the Yang and Yin side, you can go through this link if you want to read about The Science of Yin and Yang.
In the example image, the first Pillar from the left (戊辰) is the Hour Pillar, the second Pillar is the Day Pillar, the third Pillar is the Month Pillar, and the fourth Pillar is the Year Pillar.
The tenth Pillar below is the Luck Pillar which is running every ten years.
The Day Master of this person is 己. As 己 is a Yin Earth, which can represent garden earth. As we know, garden earth can absorb everything which can mean this person can easily learn anything either good or bad one. Sometimes we call 己 Earth as an intellectual person and typical sample of Yin Earth Day Master is Barrack Obama, Abraham Lincoln. All Yin Earth people usually are slim. They are also charismatic. They are also many Yin Earth people who are famous scientists and they contributed to humanity, ie. Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Leonardo Da Vinci, MichaelAngelo, etc.
This person is surrounded by lots of Earth (戊辰戌) and Fire (丙). A lot of supporting element or same element makes this person a Strong person, as if you are supported by lots of people that are the same with you.
What other characteristic that can you read from this Four Pillars? Well, they are Yang Fire (丙) which can be compared to the Sun. As we know the Sun quality is warm, people with Yang Fire usually are warm-hearted. They are also honest and care to make friends also.
We can compare the Yang Metal (庚) to a weapon or sword, so this person has also a masculine characteristic and possess a leadership qualities also. 戊 as Yang Earth which represents a mountain, can mean that this person is a bit stubborn, why? We cannot move the mountain, and mountain in nature is heavy, firm and a little inflexible.
In a nutshell, we can conclude that this person is charming, intellectual, masculine, possess a leadership qualities, and warm-hearted, with a little bit inflexible.
With Four Pillars of Destiny, we can also know about the health of this person, suitable profession, and so many other things including the future spouse of this person. Well, this is just an introduction, I will write again for another topic on BaZi. I hope you are enjoying this article.

2019 Prediction
The time calculation in ancient Chinese calendar used for feng shui and farming activities, is using the dimension of time in which hours, days, months and years are divided into two parts of energy (氣), namely heavenly and earthly energy, so that one dimension of time can contain eight types of energy consisting of 4 heavenly energy and 4 earthly energy. This calendar system always starts from the beginning of Spring which usually starts around February 4 or 5.
In Chinese metaphysical perspective, this time dimension is very influential on someone where this time dimension changes its pattern per 20 years. What makes you lucky now is not necessarily going to happen in the next 20 years. Why 20 years? This is because the time dimension is influenced by the two largest planets in the solar system, namely the planets Saturn and Jupiter, where the crossing or meeting of these two large structures occurs every 20 years of rotation.

The year 2019 is marked by the energy of the heavenly stem 己(Ji) Earth sits on top of earthly branch energy 亥(Hai) Water. 亥here represents the zodiac of pig, so 2019 is the year of the Earth Pig.
There are some experts who say that 2019 is the year of the Wood Pig. They use the Na Yin method to determine the elements of the year, which is actually not quite right. The Na Yin Method 納音(Sound Element) is a method that combines the energy of the heavenly stem and the earthly branches from a pillar (can be years, months, days, hours) into a new elemental form which may have nothing to do with the energy of the heavenly stem and earthly branches origin. For example a pillar with the energy of heavenly stem己(Ji) Earth and earthly branches亥(Hai) Water will form a new element named as 平地木(Ping Di Mu) which means flat wood. That is why, it was mentioned that 2019 as the year of Wood Pig, which is actually the energy of the earthly branches that has blended with the energy of the heavenly stem into one elemental sound, Wood.
The Year of the Pig Earth starts from February 4, 2019 at 10.14 (GMT +7), while the Chinese New Year celebration is using the calculation of the moon cycle which falls on February 5, 2019.
If we look at the picture above, we see a destructive cycle of interactions from the earth to water or in the daily life we mention as the earth is storing or blocking the water. The existence of destructive cycles between the two Yin elements will trigger conflict, but because earth energy in 2019 is energy of adaptive land, so even though there is conflict, it is also sometimes accompanied by a tendency to compromise in resolving conflicts.
Inside 亥(Hai) Water itself contains water such as oceans and wood floating above it. Soil or earth that sits on the water will certainly make the water cloudy or not clear. Water itself represents a thinking process, so that 2019 like a polluted water, many possibilities of thinking people are not clear, so sometimes they take the wrong step. The earth that sits on the water also symbolizes instability so that the possibility of attempted murder and terrorist activities will also increase slightly.
We know two types of earth energy, namely mountain earth energy and soil earth energy. The energy of mountain earth is able to withstand the brunt of the oceans, but energy of soil earth is different. This year is predicted with possibility of increasing of water and land disasters such as flood, landslides, earthquakes.
In 2019 it is also predicted that there will be many incidents of travel accidents related to the sea and air. Diseases that will stand out this year are diseases associated with the digestive tract and diabetes.
2019 is a lucky year for industries in the fields of education, fashion, media, paper factories, property, insurance, etc. Industries whose creativity will increase are the finance, entertainment, etc. The two industries that will decline are industries related to metal and water such as transportation, shipping, metallurgy, etc. The car industry will probably show new model development within this year but not showing progress in financial terms.
For those born with the snake 蛇(She) zodiac, this year due to clashes with pigs 豬(Zhu), it must be anticipated that there will be many movements this year such as moving houses, jobs, etc. It is not recommended for those who are born with the snake蛇(She) zodiac to travel directly to the North West which is their worst direction this year.
For those who were born with the pig 豬(Zhu) zodiac, this year is a year of disharmony in dealing with other people so that this year will be filled with frustration etc.
Feng Shui energy also will change in 2019. The 5 star or the Star of Misfortune will be in the Southwest, for those whose main door location or office sector location is in this position, usually this year will experience problems. Star 2 or Star Disease is in the Northeast sector, for those who own a house with a main door in the Northeast sector, usually this year there will be many problems related to disease.
For those who have a house with a door in the North sector, this year for those who are single, it is likely to meet a soul mate, but for those who are married, please be careful because the possibility of meeting with another gentlemen or ladies is very high and this is also depending on which sector of the house is weak.
7-star or Robbery Star this year fell in the Southeast sector, so those with offices in this sector the intensity of problems related to the mouth or bickering will increase.

For renovations, it is not recommended to start renovations or excavations in the Southeast 1 (112.5°-127.5°), Southeast 3 (142.5°-157.5°), Southwest 1 up to Northwest 1 (202.5°-307.5°), and Northwest 3 (322.5°-337.5°). The good sectors for this year are Northwest 2 (307.5°-322.5°), which is very narrow and must be measured correctly so as not to fall into neighboring sectors namely Northwest 1 and Northwest 3.
San Sha (Three Killings) falls within the Southwest 3 up to Northwest 1 (232.5°-307.5°), it is not recommended to sit facing directly towards this direction, as well as towards the Northwest 3 (322.5°-337.5°).
This energy will change from year to year. Therefore, I strongly advise you to observe these changes in good and bad energy at the beginning of each year to take some precautionary measures.
I will close this writing by congratulating you on this year of the Earth Pig, hopefully everything is endowed with abundance of joy, wealth, and health.

A good feng shui master can tell your life story through the layout of your house. Even your new house can also tell you a story. It is liked a doctor who has to diagnose your problem’s first before you are treated. To some, this may sound scary, but actually the master just want to point out which part of your house causing your problem before he/she puts some remedy.
Some of you may have known that kitchen should not be placed in the NorthWest sector for it renders how much you make as a living will be absorbed by the unexpected costs. So bear in mind, this NorthWest sector must be treated well.
Southwest sector also must be well taken care, cause this sector can represent the mother in the house. An interruption in this sector will harm the mother especially when the house showing that mother is the weakest link in this house.
Another interesting things that we can deduce from the house instead of relationship is the financial ups and downs of the one who stay in the house. In what year, you should hold your investment and in what year, you can make money, it is all in your house where you stay.
Your house can represent your life, so bear in mind, pick a good house to support your life.

What do you know about mirror placement in feng shui? As we know, a mirror will reflect what is in front of it. Wrong placement and wrong reflection will cause a bad impact for the one who stays inside, vice versa.
This is my opinion in regards of the mirror placement in the bedroom. I usually do not recommend to place a mirror in the bedroom, but sometimes when the owner of the house insists on it, I recommend to place the mirror behind the cupboard. The reason is because it can attract or repel the qi coming inside to the room as I have stated before.
Most Chinese restaurant have a big mirror in their dining room. As long as it reflect the good qi from the clients who are dining in the restaurant, I think it is good to have a mirror there. But cautious decision have to be made before putting a mirror in a restaurant, remember it must not reflect any bad figures or figurines that will cause more trouble rather than revenue.
You should be careful when you want to place a mirror covering a sector. Sometimes it can mean bad things, sometimes it can be good. Not all sectors will be prosper as I notice.
As a summary, the list below is for your concern when you want to place a mirror:
- Know which sector that you are going to put
- How big is the mirror that you are going to place
- Look out for the reflection, if you see any reflection of bad things like sharp objects, etc., please remove it ASAP

2018 Prediction
Soon we will enter the year of 2018. As we know, energy or Qi more precisely play a role in the life of the Chinese society. A harmonized qi will make life’s journey much easier, whereas unequal qi will lead to the opposite.
In the Chinese calendar, the year – month – date – hour is represented by Qi which is divided into three, namely Heaven Qi, Earth Qi and Human Qi. The heaven qi in 2018 is represented by the mountain 戊 and the earth qi is represented by the earth dog戌that happens to be the same element as the Heaven Qi.

戊 itself symbolizes Mountain which also means firmness. The silent mountain also symbolizes the tranquil situation like meditation, unfortunately the Qi element of Earth that is represented by 戌 contains elements of fire and metal (Human Qi) warring each other, so the conclusion for this year outside will seem to be cool, but inside will be a conflict.戊 itself also symbolizes inflexibility and procrastination.
Generally, the world in 2018 will be like that, but of course within certain month will happen significant things like in April 2018, this calm will be disturbed followed by the possibility of volcanoes, earthquakes, or the movement of homes or changes in jobs for those who has a dragon element as its zodiac.
The year 2018 can be said that the danger of fire is significant, especially in the months of February, March, April, and June. These fire hazards can be like fires in the air, sea and plane land (burning planes, spilled burning oil, demonstrations accompanied by burning, etc.)
The industry that will grow rapidly in 2018 is wood-related industries such as fashion, furniture, plantations, herbs, schools, education, wood carvings, etc.
The transportation industry, tourism, trading, cargo shipments, journalism will decline in this year of earth dog. Industries engaged in gold and gems, cars, finance, mechanics, will get lots of creative ideas in the year of 2018.

In 2018, the misfortune star 5 will be in the North sector, so for those who have a door to a house or business place that faces North or important sectors such as the room of the president director etc. in an office located within this sector, some will experience problems this year. To overcome this star, we can use salt water put into a bowl in this sector. This star’s effect will increase in March, July, October, and December.
The star 2, which is the star of sickness falls within the West sector in this earth year; to drain the energy of this star, you can use 6 metal coins tied with red thread. The effect will grow violently in April, July, September 2018, and January 2019.
As for the quarrel star 3 falls in Northeast sector, you can use porcelain pot filled with 5 pieces of stone in it. The ferocity of this star will increase in the months of March, June, July, August, and December.
Stars 6 or the star of legal problems are in the sector of Southwest in 2018; to overcome it you simply put a glass filled with water in this sector.
The 7 stars associated with mouth problems, falls in the East sector; you can drain the energy of these ugly stars by using vinegar water put into a bottle. The months to watch out for are February, March, July, September, November, and December.
The danger of fire will increase in the East sector in February and November 2018. For the West sector such dangers will increase in March and December 2018.
For those of you who are born with Dog years as the zodiac, avoid traveling and climbing mountains towards Tai Sui (太歲) which in this year falls in the Northwest sector 1 (292.5 ° – 307.5 °). This sector should also be avoided at the time of excavation or initiation of a construction. Sui Po (歲 破) in the year of Dog 2018 is in the sector of 112.5 ° -127,5 °. Three killings (三 煞) aka San Sha within this year will fall in the Northwest sector 3 up to the Northeast sector 1 (322,5 ° – 37,5 °). You are not advised to sit with your occupied by this San Sha. The above three sectors are forbidden sectors to do construction or renovation unless something very important and of course must be done with the date selection by the experts so you can avoid the problem.
Welcome the 2018 Earth Dog and farewell to the 2017 Fire Rooster. Wish you all the best in this coming year 2018.

Yin Yang – The Science of Yijing
At this present state, many people still wrongly believed that the ancients of Chinese Metaphysics like Feng Shui, Yi Jing, etc. had no notion of science. Guo Pu 郭璞, author of “Book of Burial” 葬书, one of China’s foremost commentators on ancient texts, also mention that the effects of Feng Shui must have been appeared as a logical scientific causes and not without any clear reason. Nowadays, there are enough scientific evidence to show that Feng Shui effects have scientific basis and its explanations.

Yin Yang 隐陽 is the concept of duality which apparently looklike an opposite but actually these duality are complementary forming the wholeness. These duality is represented by the picture here which is called Taiji 太極 (Supreme Ultimate). As you can see from the picture here, within the white part, there are black dot, and within the black part, there are white dot. The shape itself also is not divided in a straight line, but rather of a merging shape of white and black within each other. They are related and connected to each other. Taiji is considered as the basic foundation of the Universe.
Taiji emerged from Wuji 無極 (Without Ultimate) which means a state of nothingness. Wuji is represented by a black circle which correspond to the boundless movement because we didn’t know where it started. Wuji itself actually does not mean emptiness because within Wuji contains infinity.
In the state of Wuji, there will be no difference between right or wrong, no difference between day and night, no difference between happiness and suffering, no difference between above and below, no difference between man and woman. It is a state of a meaningless world.

Then the appearance of Taiji brings changes, we started to differentiate between man and woman, day and night, happiness and suffering, black and white, good and evil, true and false, then all kinds of meaning begin to appear. The same concept can be found in the Bible. Adam and Eve living in Paradise, everyday living in the same way and same manner, until the day when Eve picked the apple and tasted it, then we started to realized there are difference between good and evil, and everything seems started to happen as it is now.

Shao Yong (1011 – 1077), a Song dynasty philosopher and cosmologist, describe Taiji as:
The Supreme Ultimate is the One
It produces the Two
Without engaging in activity
The Two in their wonderful changes
And transformations constitute the spirit
Spirit engenders number
Number engenders form
And form engender concrete things.
In modern world, the concept of Yin and Yang inspired the Binary Digit system in the computer, which is the foundation of all computer data information. All the information is represented by a multiple combination of zero and one (yin and yang). Multiple combination of zero and one can also include all information on everything in the universe. That is why, they called Taiji as the foundation of our Universe. This duality of Taiji lies the origins of many branches of classical Chinese science and philosophy, as well as the primary guideline in traditional Chinese medicine and different forms of Chinese martial arts.
In western cosmology, we know the Big Bang theory, which can be compared to the concept of Taiji in eastern cosmology. The Big Bang theory try to explain what happened at the beginning of the universe. According to the theory, our universe sprang into existence as “singularity” around 13.7 billion years ago. The universe is created in a big explosion according to the Big Bang theory. Before the explosion, all matters were pulled up within a black hole then suddenly the “singularity” object expanded, and the density and the temperature suddenly fell which causes various kinds of gases were released. These gases eventually condensed into matter, planets and stars. In Chinese philosophy, after Taiji emerged, then comes up the concept of Five Basic Elements which are Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal.

When we compare the Big Bang theory with the concept of Taiji, it seems that our concept of Taiji has more advantage than the Big Bang. Why? Because in western theory, everything has to come from something. If we probe back to the singularity, what the singularity was created, we cannot get the answer clearly, but in the concept of Taiji we can get the answer on how Taiji come out from emptiness. It is very simple, Taiji is positive and negative, the total value will cancel out each other, so the total amount still will be zero, nothing.