A good feng shui master can tell your life story through the layout of your house. Even your new house can also tell you a story. It is liked a doctor who has to diagnose your problem’s first before you are treated. To some, this may sound scary, but actually the master just want to point out which part of your house causing your problem before he/she puts some remedy.
Some of you may have known that kitchen should not be placed in the NorthWest sector for it renders how much you make as a living will be absorbed by the unexpected costs. So bear in mind, this NorthWest sector must be treated well.
Southwest sector also must be well taken care, cause this sector can represent the mother in the house. An interruption in this sector will harm the mother especially when the house showing that mother is the weakest link in this house.
Another interesting things that we can deduce from the house instead of relationship is the financial ups and downs of the one who stay in the house. In what year, you should hold your investment and in what year, you can make money, it is all in your house where you stay.
Your house can represent your life, so bear in mind, pick a good house to support your life.